Camping Info

General Camping Info

All camping that we do at the Cub Scout level is done as Family Camping. Families are encouraged to attend together- younger and older siblings are more than welcome and will have just as much fun as the scout!

We are tent campers! At fall camp there is a cabin available to us for the event of sudden dangerous weather, but camping will generally be done in tents. If you don’t have any gear in the Required or Optional categories, don’t let that stop you! We have several families in the pack that are all geared up and ready to share! Just let someone in leadership know and we will get you set up! Let us know if you have any further concerns!

Meals are provided by the pack. Because of allergies, we are a fully nut free pack. You are welcome to bring snacks, preferably nut free as well. 

Sleeping Bags/Blankets/Pillows
Scouts: 6 Essentials (Prepared ahead of time with Den)
Class B Uniform Shirt
Water Bottle
Personal Cup/Mug, labeled with your name
Close Toed Shoes/ Boots (No sandals or flip flops!)
Jacket or Hoodie

Camp chairs
Fishing Gear
Rain Gear

Before our two pack camp outs, you will get a detailed packing list. In addition, sleeping at camp overnight is not required. Many families, especially of younger scouts, come for the day and then go home and sleep in their beds! If this is what your family chooses, awesome! Just let your den leader know your plan ahead of time.